Akamai Juice Cleanse

Call, text or email to participate
 (808) 639-3513



Cost: $45 per day for the juice, plus $20 jar deposit(Delivery starts at $10)
-Full payment due day 1 of the cleanse. Cash, check or credit card.
$10 off for cash payments
*To avoid additional jar deposit, return clean dry jars each day.
-Return all jars clean & dry for deposit refund

Daily Juices: Lovely blends to cleanse the liver, lung, kidney & colon
-Email sent evening before with juice ingredients.
-Ready @ 7:30a for pick up, in the Tahiti Nui Luau Room.
-Bring a bag, box or cooler when you pick up fresh juice each day.
-Deliveries start in Hanalei & run south. Usually Princeville by 8:15a and Kilauea by 8:45a

What you get: Three 16oz Juices, Grapefruit Juice or Nut Milk, One 32oz Flavored water, One Herbal Tea. If you like, pre order extra juice, milk or shots. Some find the cleanse easier if they order additional cleanse juices & milks.

Helpful Hints for the Juice Cleanse: 

Pre Cleanse:
-Ease out of meat, fish & dairy a couple days before the cleanse starts.
-Stock up on a few key plant based snacks, in case you need to eat. Avocado, Cucumber, Pumpkin Seeds, Bananas will help.
During the Cleanse: 
-Drink hot water with lemon juice first thing in the morning.
-If you need coffee/tea; no dairy creamer or sweetener
-Drink whatever juices you want, every 2 hours. If you are having a hard time with one particular juice, try blending it with a different one you like, or add lemon water to dilute it
-Try to drink 2 more quarts of water each day. Flavored water is more fun!
-If you’re feeling irritable or weak, try a little snack & follow a plant based diet. Fruit, veggies, nuts & seeds only.
-Drink tea for dinner. Add a flavored decaf tea (like mint or ginger) for bold flavors.
-Tell me if you have any negative side effects from juice.
Post Juice Cleanse:
-Ease into regular diet. Start with plant based diet and slowly incorporate dairy, meat, fish.
-Your digestive system will be clean & sensitive. Flavors will be more distinct. You won’t crave sugars and fats as much. Great news is you’ll become full faster, now that your digestive system is squeaky clean and smaller.